America in Paris?

I walked past this American restaurant on my way to one of my castings in 10th arr the other day.  Somehow it doesn’t really remind me of Marin … And, um, don’t worry … I didn’t eat there. : )

I especially love the giant hot dog.

OMG! Look who I found!

Confirmed: Paris’s crepes are still really, really good.

So, today I decided to go back to Aux Mielleures to make sure that the crepes are still as amazing and absolutely delicious as they were before. They are.

Ordering "une crêpe aux champignons et fromage" at Aux Meilleures ... yum!!! : )

Sunshine in Paris!

Hello, hello! I know it’s been a few days since I’ve posted anything – things got a bit busy – but I just had to share these pics that I took at the Trocadéro (in the 16th arr) yesterday. It was one of those freezing-cold-but-crazy-gorgeous-and-sunny kind of days, which was soooooo refreshing. I can’t be the only one who felt that way – the place was full of people roller skating, skateboarding, waiting in ridiculously long lines at cafes … The fountains had even frozen over, so people were walking in the ice. I was a little afraid that it was going to crack, but I braced myself and went for it, too. : )

SO pretty! The Trocadéro in the winter.

So, anyway, it was wonderful to bask in a little bit of sunlight … even if we had to wear sweaters under coats with scarves and around ten layers of socks while doing so. : )

Such a busy little place! The 16th and Trocadéro are on the right bank, but the Pont d'Lena bridge crosses the Seine river, over to the left bank and the Eiffel Tower.

The frozen fountains in the evening ... hard to believe that people swim in them in the summer

Sunshine!!! Can't help jumping for joy. : )

By the way … this was the first time that we really went deep into the 16th (I was there for a photoshoot yesterday), and I liked it. It felt a little bit different than the rest of Paris – more quiet and neighborhood-y, probably because it  doesn’t have many tourist attractions (except for Trocadero!) Actually, it reminded me quite a bit of the Presidio in SF. If you go there, you simply must stop at La Petite Marquise on Place Victor Hugo … it was hands down the most popular bakery with the locals (the line went out the door!)  and the baguettes were amazing. : )

La Petite Marquise ... très bien!

Snowfall in Paris …

Guess what, guess what??? It snowed today! Imagine my surprise when I took out the trash this morning and discovered snow on the bins …  I guess I may have slept in a bit late today. : )

Well, surprise, surprise!

Awww ... don't Smart cars look cute when they're all snowy? : )

If it snowed in Marin, something tells me it would look a bit like this ...

Meanwhile, it’s 66 degrees (fahrenheit) back in Marin …  today my dad sent me this photo of our plum tree in full bloom!

Mill Valley flowers in full bloom ... and it's February!!!

But, hey, I’m not complaining … Paris has it’s own version of flower power.

Who said Paris isn't in bloom, too? : )

Paris has cute … cars!

Flower Power in Paris!

Remember the Prius age that hit Marin a couple of years ago? You couldn’t drive two feet without seeing one. Now we seem to be in the era of Mini Coopers, plus Fiats are totally on the rise. But, to be honest, in the little (and adorable!) car category, Paris totally has us beat.

So Smart.

I would say that the most common tiny car around are the Smart cars – you know, the unbelievably cute electric cars that somehow make you want to hug them. Anyway, those seem to be everywhere. Which makes sense, really – you see, they have a flat back which is perfect because, in Paris, it is considered totally and completely acceptable to bump someone while parking. Mini Coopers don’t seem as popular, but they do have a ton of Fiats … I even saw a bright pink Barbie themed Fiat the other day, which was adorable. But the car that I really, really, really love? They have these amazing, teeny, tiny vintage ones that look like a cross between a VW bug and a Mini, with 10 x the cuteness. Um, I want one! : )

Hmmm ... do you think anyone would notice if I just drove off in this?

Pop of color. : )

It really doesn't seem fair that one city can have so much cuteness. Thanks to for this last pic!