Confirmed: Paris’s crepes are still really, really good.

So, today I decided to go back to Aux Mielleures to make sure that the crepes are still as amazing and absolutely delicious as they were before. They are.

Ordering "une crêpe aux champignons et fromage" at Aux Meilleures ... yum!!! : )

When in Paris, eat crepes!

Hello, hello! Welcome to my first post. : ) 

Eating my crepe on Rue du Croissant.

I wasn’t actually going to write a blog about my time in Paris, but the other day I had this AMAZING crepe and I just had to tell you about it. The fillings were savory – champignon y fromage (mushrooms and cheese) with just a dash of salt and pepper, and the crepe itself was freshly made and paper thin – perfection!

Google Maps screenshot ...

Now, as someone whose tried quite a few crepe stands in her two and a half weeks here, I know that you have to go where the locals do to find a truly authentic crepe. I found this one at Aux Meilleures Crepes de Paris, which is a little outdoor crepe stand attached to a cafe in the 9th arr. Most tourists probably don’t venture out to the 9th – a funky, changing area on the Right Bank – but thats where my modeling agency is located so I’m over there all the time. Anyway, it had a pretty decent sized crowd around it, so I knew it had to be good … I was so right. : )

Menu at Aux Meilleures.

Next time you find yourself in Paris, you simply must check it out … its’ located at 2 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, right near the Grands Boulevard metro station. Here’s the menu so you can do your translating ahead of time. : )

Oh, by the way, we totally need a creperia in Mill Valley. Do you know how crazy well that would do? How about instead of a Subway in that downtown spot … just saying …